Day one - this Dwarf gives big hugs
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 02:33:09 PM
Well, what a day it’s been. I’m writing this as we tick towards the 24 hour mark and we’ve already passed 85%. All in all, I’m pretty confident we’re going to fund and, after kicking around on bits of paper in my house - and many other people’s houses - for a couple of years, it’s fantastic to imagine that Dwarf is going to be housed in its very own shiny box, with Lars’s fantastic art bringing the world to life.
Speaking of Lars’s art, you may have noticed that a lot of our stretch goals are for more of his art. Dwarf is a very unusual - probably unique - game. Ever since worker-placement games have been produced, the mechanism has featured almost exclusively in strategic games. I’m a strategic person and that’s a large part of why I enjoy worker-placement games. Fairly early on in the life of Dwarf, however, it became evident that this is not a strategic game in that sense. Yes, you have to have a clear plan of what you want to achieve but, above all, you have to adapt.

Dwarf is a tactical game. On every turn, not only do you have your opponent to respond to but the board itself changes, in ways that you can’t predict. The key to winning a game of Dwarf is to seize the moment and make the most of what is in front of you. Having more of Lars’s art in the game will highlight this and bring the changing nature of the board - as you delve deeper into The Mountain - to life.
We’ve got a few things planned over the next couple of weeks - more playthroughs, podcast interviews and some deeper dives into certain aspects of the game. For now, though, I just wanted to thank you for your support. It means a lot to me, and everyone at Dragon Dawn Productions, that you’re supporting us and helping to produce the game and make it as attractive as possible - to that end, please share the project and talk about the game wherever you can. The more backers we get, the better it will be for all of us (and that collective spirit is something the Dwarfs of Zanziar really believe in).
Lee and the DDP Team.